Sunday, 13 May 2018

Some Quora answers for exams


A motivational answer and must read, cause it means a lot to me.

My JEE story

For those who think of themselves as 'weak' students

How to stop being average

Perks of being at an IIT

Increasing productivity

Motivating yourself to study

Life at IITB

Some advices for students in class 9-10


Avoiding Social Media

Must have skills for any competitive examination

My schedule during JEE preparations

If you are in Class 11:

For class 12 students:

Last days(after board exams):

3 weeks before JEE(Main)

10 days before JEE(Main)

Strategy after your JEE(Main) is over(40 days before JEE(Advanced))

Also check : Best books for JEE , A complete JEE preparation guide, Organic ChemistryMechanicsAlgebraMotivation


  1. I am in 9th class and want to prepare for IIT but the problem is I dont have any coaching in my area. How do I do it?

  2. Find yourself, learn more about discipline get the complete insights and lessons on self-motivation, an inspiration to a better life, and get mentored. Follow the link below for more insights.
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  3. Salute to you sir. I have truly been inspired. I am in class 8 and am already studying for JEE is that okay for the long run.

  4. Keep Sharing such an informative content.
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  5. Thank you for sharing such content. Please keep sharing. For Daily study timetable for NEET
