Sunday, 3 June 2018

Books for NEET/AIIMS


This article is about books that one needs to study as a NEET or AIIMS aspirant.


 NCERT- Don't leave a single line in this book. Read the summary given at the end of every chapter. After reading the chapter, write the important points of that chapter in a book. These important points allow you to revise quickly. Now take a MCQ book. I recommend MTG. Do all the questions in exam atmosphere. In this way, you will get used to solving MCQs. After solving, assess your performance. Identify your weak areas from the mistakes committed. Read those once again from NCERT. Finally take previous year papers,solve them. First few weeks focus on accuracy, then get on with speed. Make sure that u won't commit any silly mistakes. If you commit any .. read the topic again until your concepts are crystal clear. Clear all your doubts . 


 NCERT first. For inorganic chemistry,stick to NCERT and ur classroom notes. Learn all the ascending and descending orders of atomic radii,I.P. these type of questions are frequently asked. Coming to physical chemistry, read the concept, understand the formula and then start to practice. G.R.B is an  excellent book. Solve the questions and assess yourself. Correct your mistakes. Now comes the most important one.. organic chemistry. Read class 11 first. Understand it. Then move on to class 12. Practice reactions on paper. O.P Tandon and MS Chauhan are good books. Solve MCQs. Both physical and organic chemistry should be practiced on a paper. After every chapter solve previous year papers. Assess yourself.


Understand the theory part well. Clear your concepts.then practice. Dedicate at least 1-2hrs for this subject. Also, learn some formulas from calculus (learn as many as you can), coordinate geometry and circles (basics are enough). Practice as many questions as you can. Solve assignments, worksheets. I recommend D.C Pandey. Assess yourself. Practice again. 

In addition to above-said books, I suggest you to subscribe for MTG magazines for all the three subjects.

Also, clarify all your doubts.

Few important things:

1. Do not neglect NCERT
2. Stick to one reference book.
3. Solve as many MCQs as possible
4. Correct your mistakes (most important)
5. Stay dedicated and motivated.
6. Be confident but not overconfident.
7. Revise old chapters once in a while.

Thank you


Note(by Kalpit)-

You can order the books from here(I searched the web and came up with the latest editions)-


Visit here to get links for other NCERT books.

All the best!!!


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    Pls reply soon sir.

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